1-800 Contacts provides asynchronous online vision exams that are legal in many states, but fails to meet the standards set by most eye care professionals practicing quality telehealth. While no standard of care has been set, signing doctors remain liable for providing quality patient care and that requires a synchronous conversation between the doctor and the patient, particularly when there is no doctor-patient relationship.
Right or not - 1800Contacts is providing this service to your patients. They are doing it, because your patients are not getting what they want from your practice.
You have to do something!
Scenario: Patients call your office to ask for more contacts for their prescription that expired last week. Your office explains that they will need a new exam but the patient has already used all of their “sick days” and can’t get it. Next stop……1800Contacts and their inferior, impersonal, asynchronous “exam.” Wouldn’t it be better if you, their doctor who prescribed the contacts, conducts a VAHOV (Virtual, At-Home Visit) to extend the CLRx and fill the order?