The Distribution Zone is related to receiving and dispensing of products or money that you provide to your patients. Often called "the lab" and/or "back-office," the Distribution Zone includes frames, lenses, contacts, insurance claims and all of the other products provided by your practice. It is a common zone for lost profit for the practice, usually due to lack of attention.
It is critical to regularly review every aspect of your Distribution Zone to ensure that you are paying the appropriate amounts for your products getting paid properly by patients and third-parties. It is also necessary to review the amount of time your patients are waiting for their products and what your team is saying.
"Looking for Leaks" is one of the most effective portions of the Leadership OD Membership Program.
In 2021, we encourage you to add "Missed Opportunities" to your search for leaks. The first step to finding missed opportunities is to track how you you say, "No." Do you have any openings tomorrow? Are you open on Saturday? Do you offer telehealth visits? Can I get another year's supply of contacts, even though I am due for an exam?
Once you have a nice list of missed opportunities, look for ways to change SOME of those answers to "Yes."