Fundamentals of Leadership

A "fundamental" is a core ability that you can develop and practice to allow you to perform higher level skills with excellence.  Strong leadership requires certain fundamentals to be followed regardless of your leadership style or the team that you lead.

This message kicks off a six week series about the Fundamentals of Leadership and why we need to be working on them now.  In the meantime, pay attention to how you react when something bad happens this week.

Full Series

It's about Integrity

The Integrity Challenge:
It is often said that your integrity is defined by what you do when you don't think anyone is watching.  It's intended to be a measure of your honesty or your morale character.  However, in business, sometimes you can lack integrity not just by a lack of character, but just an inability to get it done right.  

Sometimes, there's just not enough time, or training, or knowledge, or money, or equipment.  Sometimes we just drop the ball.  When this becomes normal, we have lost a little of our "integrity" in a particular practice zone.  It rarely has to do with a lack of character.  It is usually a lack of attention.

Let's give it a little attention.
Over the next five weeks, we challenge you to review the integrity of the Five Zones of your practice.  There will certainly be overlap but just look into your processes and your actions to compare what you are supposed to be doing, with what you are really doing.  (When I say "you", I mean you and your entire team - of course).  

p.s. If you are unfamiliar with The Five Zones, read this old blog where we introduced it.